Monday, April 23, 2007

The Naked Man

I came into work today to an email titled "The Naked Man." I had to do a double take as I had just experienced my own version of such a man on my day off yesterday! Let me explain...

So I had Sat & Sun off this week and spent Sat unpacking and running errands for things like a new vacuum and stuff. Sunday I wanted to do something fun. So I went to Google and looked up some hikes and decided upon one. I headed to Catalina State Park, to a trek up the Romero Pools trail, which ends in a stream and pools deep enough to go swimming in over your head. It was a typical, beautiful Tucson spring day and I really enjoyed my hike.

It's so different from New England...obviously...but so much more beautiful than I thought it would be. I have learned that Tucson exists in a micro-climate, which means that aside from it being a desert, there are these cool areas that result in the growth of Oak & Juniper trees & such. I love it!

So I get to a point on the trail where I'm about to pass out (it's about 2.7 miles up) and I hear waterfalls! YAY! So I get closer to the stream and I am trying to find a quiet place where I can hang for a bit. I hear hootin' & hollerin' upstream, and I imagine some people out there on a Sunday afternoon, drinking and pushing each other into the cold water, and I head south. I am up on the ridge a bit, walking along, looking for a spot to relax. I see a place that looks deserted...then a man's head appears, his back to me, he's walking away from me. I see as he walks further that he has no shirt on, whatever, then as he continues to walk downstream, I see his bare ass. I get all embarrassed and turn away, like, "Oh my gosh! I hope he didn't see that I saw him naked!" I am standing up there, these odd thoughts running thru my head, like, "Wow. Can you go nekkid in Arizona? Do state parks here think it's ok to be nude? Maybe it's like a Native American thing...?" Then I see out of the corner of my eye that he's stepping up the stones, heading upstream, right into my line of vision. I'm like, dude, I am trying to give you privacy. I thought maybe you'd see that I saw you and maybe you'd put some clothes on. Not walk right up to where I can see you! So I turn again and I'm trying to determine what's the lesser of 2 evils, hootin' partiers or Nekkid Man. If I go downstream and he's a freak. he'll know I'm there...if I head upsteam, I have to hear WOO HOO oh don't push me in the water, hee heeeee....then I am like, If Anna were here, she'd be OUTTA HERE ASAP. And then I see the Nekkid Man, he's totally fully exposed up on the rocks and he's WAVING at me. So I ........ wave back? I didn't know what to do!!! Then I high-tailed it about 30 minutes upstream.

After all that, I did get to relax and enjoy the great outdoors before I headed back down.

And the thing at work...well, it was the usual hotel-mis-communication thing that resulted in housekeeping walkintg into a room to find a nekkid man, as the report stated, "laying on his back, sleeping."

Now I am just waiting for the 3rd nekkid man to appear, as you know, things happen in three's.........


Anonymous said...

Think of the nekkidness as an experience. I've never seen a nekkid man just kinda' there. Now you can say that you saw a bare-assed stranger on your first hike in Tuscan. Can it get any better?

SouthernYankee said...

Was he hot???

Anonymous said...

FCOL! You had a camera with you! But're taking pictures of rocks and cacti. I'd come out there and teach you a thing or two about "nature photography" but you put me off when you mentioned it being rattlesnake season.

Asheville Mike

SouthernYankee said...

Remember- it's legal to take nude photos after noon on Sunday. What time what this?