Friday, April 13, 2007

The Ghost of Jess' past

As I mentioned in a previous posting, Monday night was when Megan and I were in Brooklyn hanging out with her brother (JP) and his fiancee(Jess). We visited a bar that night, and were talking and this and that, and then we got on the subject of ghosts. You know, the usual stuff, like, "do you believe in them?", "have you ever seen one?", etc., etc.... Jess then pipes in and tells us that her parents house is haunted. JP, who had just returned from a trip there, was like, "yeah, it totally spooked me out!"

Of course Megan and I wanted to hear the story about her parents haunted house. She went into all the detail and history about the ghost who is haunting her parents house, etc. This particular ghost would turn Jess' closet light on and off all night long if Jess didn't close her closet door. She got so used to the ghost doing it to her, she has just made a habit of closing her closet door. When she closes the door, the nonsense stops.

Throughout our trip, Megan and I have noticed peculiar things happening with lights and things turning on and off by themselves. We didn't say anything to each other about it until last night. Since we arrived into Denver so late, the only place that was open for dinner was Applebee's. So we headed over there, sat down at the bar, ordered a beer and some food. As we were sitting there, I noticed one of the bar lights next to me just turned off. I didn't say anything to Megan because lights burn out, so no big deal. About 15 minutes later, the light turns back on, full power. That is when Megan and I looked at each other and started laughing. We were like, "did you see that?"

So that is what started our conversation about this ghost of Jess'. We think with her talking about it to us, she has passed him on to us.
1. First night at the hotel, Megan had the TV on the weather channel. She went to brush her teeth, and I was sitting at the desk blogging. The TV just turned off. I looked to see where the remotes were, and they were on the night stand, far, far away from the cats. I wrote it off in my mind as just some circuit shorting or something like that. Later that night, Megan and I both had adjusted the heat to a warmer temperature because we were cold. It just didn't seem to stay warm. We kept adjusting it, and then went to bed. When we woke up, it was like the thermostat was never even turned on. She asked me if I got up in the middle of the night and turned it off. I said no, I figured you did. She thought I did. Hmmmmm.... So this was the day that her rear windshield busted out. So we continued to stay in that room for another night. That evening, the TV turned itself off again! And then the heat was turned onto 78 degrees and it didn't even feel like it. And I can't forget to mention the bedside lamps. They turned themselves on and off all the time. We would be watching TV and hear 'click' and the light would turn off. So we would try and turn them back on and then only one would power on, and then later, the other would turn on by itself, etc. It was WEIRD!

2. Another hotel oddity. Our second night in the hotel, the friggin TVpowered off again. And then the radio turned itself on. HUH??

3. The light at the bar that I mentioned above.

4. Read tomorrow's blog for the next ghost run in as we have checked into another hotel now.


Anonymous said...

Weird but cool stuff. Maybe the ghost has been restless because it needed a ride to Tucson.

When I came for an interview at Grove Park Inn, on the third night they had to move me down to that old stone building off the golf course where they do a lot of receptions. There are one or two guest rooms there, but I was the only person in the building that night. The bathroom is by the door to the room, and I usually leave the bathroom light on in strange places. But I turned off all the other lights. I woke up in the middle of the night when the phone rang once and found the light in the alcove closet (far from the door and the bathroom) had been turned on by...??? Not me!

What is it with ghosts and lights and electricity?

Asheville Mike

Anonymous said...

Ok, you guys are either drunk, you watch way too much TV, or you've been on the road WAAAAAY too long! Sounds like you need to call Scooby Doo and the Gang! Or a Therapist!! Sorry, but I'm a little sceptical when it comes to ghosts and whatnot.

Iowa Mike