Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Arizona Wildlife

So there's tons of cool birds here, lots of different kinds of humingbirds, partridges running around with little squiggly things on top of their heads (i can't get keith's songs out of my head), I have only seen a couple road runners so far, cardinals, etc. Miraval is like a bunny safe-haven or something, there's a gazillion always hopping around, I have seen them around my townhouse, too. Though a guest told me she saw a snake eating one once, poor guy. It's rattlesnake season too, where they're coming out to sun and guests have reported seeing them lately, too. That's a 1013 security call.

So yeterday I was checking about 50 rooms for a piece of lost luggage and someone who works at the resort saw me scoping out a hummingbird and told me that one year, a bobcat had babies up on the roof of one of the villas and raised them up there til they were big enough to be on their own. They used to climb up this mesquite tree right next to the building and lived on the roof. Momma would stick the babies in the drain for safety when she went out a'roaming. I want to see a bobcat!!


so freakin' cute!!

Oh my god, I want one. Miraval is really cool in that they truly respect the environment and actually practice sustainability measures (they dont just preach them). There's even a sustainability DEPARTMENT. And a horiculturalist. He transplanted a ton of cacti yesterday from one part of the property where they're developing new buildings, to the resort, to save the plants and beautify the property naturally. I think that's awesome. Quite a difference from NH. You'd think in the Live Free or Die state we'd be more conscious, but there's no mandatory recycling laws AND I know a bunch of y'all remember when the Meredith cops shot & killed a baby bear right behind the Chase House. Ridiculous. So it's nice to be somewhere where they are serious & committed to the environment, to educating their employees on how to practice sustainability, to lead by example, to not be hypocritical about things and to take their beliefs and follow up on them to make them reality.

- A tarantula bite is about as painful as a bee sting. I want to see one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I agree with you but take it easy on the Meredith Cops. They don't need a bad rep out in Arizona too :-) hahahahaha.