Saturday, April 07, 2007


My plane landed yesterday around 8pm in NH. I looked out the airplane window and there was this obnoxious white glare staring back at me. I called Megan and asked her what the heck all the white stuff was that was all over the ground. She retorted- SNOW. It snowed 14 inches the day before I arrived. GREAT. I haven't seen this much snow in 8 years!

Anyhow, once I recovered from the shock of seeing so much snow, we went out to dinner and then a few of her friends met us out for a few cocktails. We decided to go across the street to a different bar. One of her friends that was with us decided to skip across the street. BIG MISTAKE. A police officer comes flying down the street, and pulls to the side of the road. The cop calls the 'skipper' to his car, and states, 'next time you want to skip across the street, push the button!" We assume the cop was referring to the crosswalk button???
Anyhow, it was very funny to see a cop yell at somehow for skipping. Needless to say, her friend has now been nicknamed 'Skippy'.

Right now we are sitting at a coffee shop planning our trip. Megan's movers packed her router, so we don't have any internet at the house, so we have to come into town and use internet at the java house. We can't decide which route to take. We can't decide when to leave.
I've tasked Megan to the next post, maybe we will have decided something by then.

ok bye!

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