Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Shredder

Hi. Let me introduce you to one of my dogs, Odys (aka The Shredder)
As you can see from this picture, he looks very innocent and sweet, I mean look at that face! Trust me, it's a practiced pose. Well, he is 2 years old now and is very good in the house, except on rare occasions. Like when he shredded my Rachel Ray cookbook, but I can't blame him for doing it. I sure didn't have the heart to throw away a book, even though it was full of disgusting recipes. Then he has the nerve to shred my NASCAR magazine. For those of you who know me well, that is a HUGE mistake in my book, but I got over it. So we've gone for months without incident until tonight when I got home from work. I need to add that when he shreds stuff he knows it's bad, but is so proud of his work, he will greet you at the door with it in his mouth. So, anyway, I came home from work today and was greeted by Odys with the box that your checks come in. No biggie I think. Well I was wrong. I found my bank checks (that I just got!) shredded all over the house! There was not a single check book that was salvagable. While I am cleaning up the mess, he grabbed a check book that was shredded and came up to me and was like, "look, aren't you proud??" I told him to go away.

Now I have another dog whom I call a free spriit/granola dog, her real name is Aspen. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. If only he could learn from her......

The kids...


AZMags said...

1) OMG I miss my dogs!!! Your babies are beautiful.

2) You forgot to mention how Odys snipped off your pom-pom from an awesome pirate purse that some cool chick gave you. You should have gotten a pic of him with your red pom-pom in his mouth.

3) Don't lie about feeding him the RR cookbook. I know you did it.

4) WHO won the Bud Shoot Out? WHOOP WHOOP!!!!

Anonymous said...

The cookbook probably tasted better than any of RR's recipes in it. Maybe he'd like a nice, big rawhide bone to work on when you're out of the house (which would still taste better than RR's recipes).


Anonymous said...

Princess eats all candy...she is the "bad girl" she is so good at getting the goods that she can unwrap a hersey kiss...Just Jenny